Thursday, December 27, 2007

Suicide Bomber Blows up More than Himself

Today, Benazir Bhutto was assassinated at a rally in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. (Actually she died an hour later at a hospital.) A suicide bomber then blows up himself. Now, normally the usual "analysis" concludes Islamo-fascism has arisen in response to any US military presence and campaigns in the middle east. Obviously, if we were not in Afghanistan (and especially in Iraq) attacks like this would never have happened. We are at fault for not placating Islamo-facism. The hate-America secular left here in the States loves to bloviate this rhetoric. The more extreme versions of this even condemn the World Trade Center to deserving its 9-11 demise. The Bush administration are condemned as war criminals by this radical left.

However, I fully believe this utterly absurd notion is blown sky high by our friendly neighborhood suicide bomber. The attacks were against Bhutto and the reforms she was advocating ... just like they were against her father, who was also assassinated. Islamo-facism has arisen not simply in response to any specific efforts of the US in the middle-east per se. Rather Islamo-facism has arisen primarily in response to significant challenges to the status quo of the 6th and 7th Century and to the primacy the Golden Age of the world-wide caliphate. Anything short of the world-wide caliphate garbed in 7th Century Arabic culture is an afront to Islamo-facist dignity.


Charles R said...

I highly recommend to you N. T. Wright's Evil and the Justice of God

Faith, Life, and Worship said...

High Charles,

Good to hear from you. Looking forward to getting together with you after we return from Ohio.

Yeah, I'm familiar with Wright's political positions (ie. redistribution of wealth to the 3rd World, severe contempt for the Iraqi effort, ect.). I have appreciated some of the work he has done with the Jesus seminar.

To say the least on political issues I respectfully disagree with him.

Hey thanks for your recommendation. I'll list it on my Amazon wish list. Likewise I recommend Thomas Sowell's "The Vision of the Anointed: Self-congratulation as Social Policy."

Thanks for the dialogue